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Media Center


Media Center Hours:7:30 - 3:30 

Media Specialist

Mrs. Pat Edwards -

Mrs. Sala Ellington -

Media Paraprofessional

Mrs. Amy Duckworth -


Media Center Information

The Lee County Ninth Grade Campus Media Center is home to over 11,000 fiction and non-fiction books. The books and library resources in the media center support the curriculum and reading interest of our students. New books and popular books are always on display in the media center and students are encouraged to take advantage of the many resources in the media center. Students are free to visit the library before school, during their lunch period, after school, or come as their teachers permit. When visiting the media center, students must sign in upon arriving and sign out when leaving.  Check out our Book Club.

Online Library Catalog and Resources

Our library uses the Destiny library system which has an online search engine. Students may search for a book in our library collection both at school or home from any internet connected computer. Searches may be done by book title, author’s name, subject, or keyword. There is also a visual search version as well as a Spanish search version of Destiny. Click here for the Online Library Catalog.  The media center is proud to offer many resources through GALILEO, Georgia's Virtual Library. GALILEO offers users access to hundreds of “paid for” resources where a user can search for information and articles on thousands of topics. You will need a password to access GALILEO if you are using a computer anywhere other than at school. The password is available in the media center. 

Checking Out Media Center Materials

Students are issued a student ID which must be presented when checking out materials. Students must be present on picture day or picture retake day in order to have an ID at no cost. New students who enroll after picture day will also receive an ID card at no cost. Students who lose their ID card will need to pay $2.00 for a replacement card.  Students may have up to 3 books checked out at a time. Books are checked out to students on a two week basis and can be renewed for an additional two weeks if needed. Students can also place a book on hold if it is not available at the time requested. Fines for overdue materials are $.05 per day.