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Clubs & Organizations

BEST BUDDIES is open to any student interested in creating lasting friendships and working with students with disabilities. The students will interact in a classroom setting assisting with activities once a month as well as assist at events such as Special Olympics and the Lee County Jamboree. Students will be responsible for working one-on-one with students and building lasting peer friendships. Sponsor -  Donielle Powell:


BOOK CLUB is open to any ninth grade student interested in reading and discussing books. Members meet the third Thursday of every month in the media center during their lunch period to discuss a book or genre of books selected by the group. The purpose of the Book Club is to get ninth graders interested in reading for pleasure and in expressing their opinions of what they have read. There is a $5.00 membership fee to join the Ninth Grade Campus Book Club to help cover the cost of the refreshments served during the meetings. Sponsors -  Pat Edwards: and Sala Ellington:


DECA (Distributed Education Clubs of America) is open to students enrolled in marketing. DECA is a national organization that helps students develop professional and social skills that will lead them to successful careers in professional marketing, management, and business ownership. Sponsor - Renea Davis:



International Thespian Society is the honor society for high school theatre students. Students are invited to membership in the society upon accumulation of 100 hours 19 of service to the theatre arts in their school and/or community. Thespian induction ceremonies take place each winter and spring. The LCHS Thespians of Troupe 5297 participate in state and international Thespian events and projects throughout the calendar year. Sponsor -  Amanda Piercey:


FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) members shall endeavor to know more about Jesus Christ and His way of life, to be active in His church, to strive to be Christian in their personal life and to share their convictions with others. Sponsor -  Chris Morton:


FEA (Future Educators Association) is open to any student interested in becoming an educator. Involvement in this club gives students opportunities to work with children of all age groups. FEA provides service to the community, as well as the schools in the system. FEA will combine with Best Buddies for events throughout the school year. Sponsor - Renea Davis:


FFA is a national organization dedicated to preparing members for leadership and careers in the science, business, and technology of agriculture. Membership is expected from all students enrolled in Vocational Agriculture. Sponsor - Rebecca Sapp:


HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America)​ is a student organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in health care and to enhance the delivery of quality healthcare to all people. HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for students enrolled in HSTE programs. HOSA's mission is especially critical when considering the acute shortage of qualified workers for the healthcare industry. Sponsor - Jeanifer Hill:


SGA (Student Government Association) is an elected position organization. Each class elects a president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer to represent the members of the electing class with regard to student led school-wide improvements. The elected officials will meet monthly to discuss service projects.  Sponsor - Ashley Tucker:


SKILLS USA is open to students enrolled in DCT, T & I, and Health Occupations. Skills USA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry representatives working together to ensure that America has a skilled workforce. It is a national organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in technical, skilled, and service occupations, including Health Care Science. Sponsor: - Ronnie Rich: